Sharing Web Resources-Week 4

National Head Start Association’s commitment in implementing parent engagement is a factor in my professional development. In my Head Start program we promote the importance of parent engagement, and implement it into our program. But after studying the National Head Start Association’s website I have learned so much about the meaning, and the importance of Parent engagement, and why all Head Start Programs need to implement it. In one of the sections in their website “In the News” had an update on NAACP Teams With Low-Income Children’s Program to Help Parents Too” As I read the article I learned how Head Start federal program was expanding its efforts beyond the classroom and into their families homes, by partnering up NAACP, and NAACP will run the parent focused Head Start programs and distribute tool kits for families. The NAACP will help parents register to vote, provide advocacy services, health coverage enrollment help. After reading this I was so moved on how they really are there for their parents, and will strive to make sure Head Start is providing services for all children, and their families. I’m have no doubts on if the government supports early childhood, because Head Start is a federal program , and shows progress, and results on how they care about our early childhood families.

“Head Start has always emphasized that parents are their children’s first teachers and a program’s most important partner,” said Head Start Executive Director Yasmina Vinci in a statement. “Expanding access to these resources is a crucial part of breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering families to achieve their own goals for education, employment, stability, and success.”