Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

For this week’s blog I was to ask three people to give me their definition of culture and diversity. I decided to ask my Friend Kevin who is African American, my friend Nichole who is a Hispanic woman, and asked an acquaintance Kurt who is very religious. It’s amazing how everyone views diversity and culture so differently.

Nichole said “ diversity is inclusion of all kinds to gain different perspectives, sexual orientation, gender, veteran status, age, religion just to name a few”.  Nichole also said “Culture is the environment or attitude that is created for example in the workplace”.

Kevin describes diversity and culture as “ diversity and culture go hand in hand or you can think of it this way culture sets us apart but being diverse brings us together as one culture is more family to me I guess. Because to be diverse you’re willing to look pass race, religion, sex etc. I’ve grown up in many cultures but at the end of the day you need to be divers to function in today’s society”.  

Curt explains his definitions of diversity and culture as “My definition of culture is the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group, and my definition of diversity is understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies”.

Some aspects of culture and diversity I have studied in this course are included in the feedback I got from Nichole, Kurt, and Kevin. Mostly everyone included social identities as the described their definition of diversity and culture.

After reading all of their definitions I can relate to all their definitions. Almost all of them included how diversity is what allows us to look past our own beliefs but to accept everyone, and understand that everyone is different and unique. It’s good to know others understand we must respect others and look past things, and accept them for whom they are, and not what we think they should be.  I truly enjoyed reading the feedback on culture, due to everyone pretty much had their own view on it, one that I really liked was Kevin’s response he said culture and diversity go hand in hand. I’m also a firm believer on this as well. Although everyone else’s was had great views on it as well.