” My Connections to Play”

As a child growing up in the 80’s I remember play being a great part of my childhood. A great part of my childhood consisted of many hours outdoors playing on my swings, playing hide and seek, or any other games we would just make up. I loved just being outside and playing with my friends and cousins. I also remember loving to play with my favorite dolls Rainbow brite, and my Cabbage Patch Doll. As a child I remember always begging my mom to let me stay out longer to play outside, and she always would say “just 30 minutes more” but those 30 minutes went into an hour more. The funny thing was she always supported me in my play. As a child my both parents supported me playing outside with friends and family, and I enjoyed it too. My parents would play with me too outside. It’s funny how back then play was so much fun, and most of the time it was outside, and now in days play isn’t what it used to be. Play today consists of video games, phone games, and computer games. I don’t see children outdoors playing, and getting dirty anymore. It’s almost like a punishment for my children if I tell them go play outside. I feel children today are not receiving any support or encouragement to play outside. As a parent myself I feel like I’m supporting them to be indoors, and on the phone, computer, or Xbox and not encouraging them enough to go play outside. I feel I need to educate others and myself on the importance of children playing outdoors. Things are defiantly different now from when I was growing up, but one thing is certain play is still important for children to engage in, and learn through play.