Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 1

Finding international contacts was a challenge for me, I searched many websites that had other early childhood educators from other countries, but just getting contact returned from them was such a challenge due to no one was responding to me. Finally I made contact through World Forum Foundation with Trisha Dean from Australia. Trisha Dean is an Early Childhood teacher in an Early Childhood Program.  She was very sweet, she responded with “Hi Stacy. I’d be happy to help you out!” I was so happy, because I could not get anyone to respond to me. We emailed each other twice so far, and my first question I asked Trisha Dean was how she felt about Early Childhood? Her response was great she said “Early Childhood is very important to a child’s development, and it’s the early years of a child that begins a child’s interest in learning, and helping a child develop by providing them the care, resources, and learning environment they need to explore, and be successful in their development”. I responded to her answer and began asking her about the Early Childhood program she works for, but still waiting for a response. But I do look forward to hearing back from her, and sharing her insights on Early Childhood.