Blog Assignment Week 2: A Netflix Original “Between”

A Netflix Original “Between”

I have chosen “Between” as this week’s Blog assignment to watch a show I’ve never seen first without volume and make my own opinions on what is taking place, and who the characters are with only watching their body language, facial expressions, and the scenes of the show. I will first make my opinion on each of the characters, and what is going on in the show based on my observations. Then I will watch the show with volume and compare my understandings and I was right or wrong.

In the beginning of the show it appears to me a young teen girl is pregnant and is dealing with her situation very maturely. She walks down her high school halls with not a worry of others opinion, and has a best friend who she appears to confide in and trusts. The best friend seems very catering to his friend’s needs. The teen girl seems to be very sarcastic to others when conversation with other adults. The show seems to be taking place in a small town where everyone knows each other, and each character seems to be dealing with some type of dilemma.  All the towns people appear to be getting some type of illness that is killing them off without signs of them being sick. The pregnant teen and the best friend appear to be very strong and taking this situation in their own hands by finding out what’s going on and causing the deaths of everyone in their town.  The show also focuses on other young adults who have what it seem to be strong characters that are not scared to fight for their lives.  It also seems that the young pregnant teen comes from a family of wealth who are ashamed of her, but each try to help her in private so others do not see they are reaching out to her.  The show has many characters in it, but all seem to be worried about something. The doctors in the show they are concerned and worried, but have no clue on why everyone is dying. Government from high up have looks on their face as if they do not want anyone to find out what they know, and it’s the young individuals who are brave and take on the challenge to find out what they know.

After watching the first episode with sound I now know that the story line was based on a bizarre disease that is killing everyone who is 22 years and older, which makes sense on why the characters I pointed out to be teen and young adults to be the focused on the show. When watching the show with no sound I seemed to be correct on the teen girl coming from a family who was ashamed of her pregnancy, because when I watch the show with sound I was now able to hear that her father was a minister, so it makes sense of the facial expressions and body language I was seeing from the man who was giving her a package and her expressions when she was in the church. I now understand how I made out the young girl to be sarcastic when speaking to others, because she was always being judged and spoke to about her situation. The government has quarantined the area they live in, and the young characters are trying to find their way out to help themselves. I also made the correct assumption about the government with no volume. Basically I pretty much did great when giving my opinion on who the characters where, what their role was in the show, their age, and all the other chaos that was going on based on my observations on the body language when they spoke with each other, the facial expressions made when they spoke to each other, and from the environment around them also helped me tell the tone of the show.

This was actually harder than I thought it would be, but it’s someone’s body language, facial expressions and the environment that can give you what’s going on. I feel my assumptions would have been more correct if I was watching a show I was familiar with, because I would already know the characters, and their role in the shows. But overall this was a good challenge.