Blog Assignment: Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

My Australia contact did respond to some of my questions for week 7 blog post, and as always I’m always glad to hear from her. I  her about quality in early childhood professionals in her job, and she responded to me saying she would like to see more quality teachers in her program. Due to low pay in the early childhood field, they hardly  get teachers who have degrees or any higher education background. But she would love to see a change in that area. As far as professional goals she had so many goals for herself as an early childhood teacher. She was expressing the importance for her to go back to school to receive her degree in early childhood. She then explained how she would love to see her center implement more training for them. Overall I didn’t get a whole lot of information from her, but I did get from her how she would like to see more people take the early childhood field more seriously when considering pay, quality, and requirements for early childhood centers in her surrounding area. As she asked me about my program, she was amazed on everything we do in our program, and stated ” I would love to see our program offer everything your program offers”. I couldn’t help but to think how bad others have it in their countries. I’m very grateful for my contact taking time from her busy schedule to answer a few questions.