Author: Stacy Almendarez

Relationship Reflection

Relationships, and partnerships are very important to me. I believe you must have positive relationships, and partnerships in order to be successful in any type of relationship. Whether you are in a personal or business relationship or partnership you must build it on trust. Trust connects you both together. Currently in my life I have several positive relationships that are based on trust, and love. My husband and I have a positive relationship built on trust , and love. We both understand that in order to make our relationship work we have to put positive effort into growing our relationship, and that it take both of us to make the relationship stay healthy, positive, and full of love. My children and I have a endless relationship built on a mother’s love, respect, trust, and acceptance. My relationship with them is different from any other I have, because I’m their mother and will always make sure my relationship is full of love, even if they aren’t putting the effort it will always be me who continues to give the unconditional love in my relationship with my children. And my parents and I have always had a strong, trustful, love relationship. I can go to them whenever I want and never have to worry if they will be there for me, because they are always there with open arms. I have the same relationship with my brothers. Then as a supervisor I have relationships with my teachers that are based on respect, understanding, acceptance, and trust. I expect to be able to trust all my teachers to know they will provide safe and healthy environments for children and their families, and if they are not doing their jobs I can approach them on a positive level to speak to them about any issues. But the relationship is different due to it being a business relationship, different rules apply and boundaries are set in my business relationships at work. Overall all my relationships help me better understand people, because when in positive relationships you learn so much more of the person in the relationship with you, and it then leads to helping you understand them, and being able to make the relationship stronger from what you learn about someone.

A Husband & Wife Relationship  Mother & Daughter Relationship  Mother & Son Relationship

NAEYC and DEC codes of ethics that are meaningful to me !

  1. We shall serve as advocates for children with disabilities and their families and for the professionals who serve them by supporting both policy and programmatic decisions that enhance the quality of their lives.                                                                                                                                                                                            I feel so strongly about being an advocate for children with disabilities, and their families, and let’s not forget the professionals who serve them. We need to be their voice so that everyone can hear them. As a Center Director I will make sure all children are being treated equally, and provided the materials, equipment, room arrangement, education needed to help them succeed in their learning environment, and their educational goals. I will always continue my education to learn new information on children with special needs, or disabilities, and make sure their families are will be treated in the same manner fair, involved, and educated.

2.  We shall build relationships with individual children and families while individualizing the curricula and learning environments to facilitate young children’s development and learning.

I’m a strong believer in building relationships with children, and their families. If a positive relationship is built the child   benefits from it , because that means the educators ,and the families are involved in bettering their child’s education as whole ( Teachers, Center Directors, Families) working together as a team.

3.  We shall strive for the highest level of personal and professional competence by seeking and using new evidence based information to improve our practices while also responding openly to the suggestions of others.

I will always strive to the highest level to seek new information on improving my knowledge in the Early Childhood Education field. I will always stay open to new ideas, and suggestions of others. After all if it will help the child succeed in their education path I’m open to anything.


References Code of Ethics (2009)

” The Passion of Early Childhood “

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Early childhood is just a beautiful thing. It allows you to be part of a child from the beginning of their education path. You become lost in an environment that is surrounded by so much curiosity. Working in the classrooms makes you forget about being an adult, and just learning through play with the children. You become a child’s hero, role model, friend, mother, father, comforter, and the list continues. But that’s what makes Early Childhood for myself so interesting, that we can implement life’s most important to these children, and that is education. We can teach them how to be independent, and explore with play. Their minds are like sponges , and it’s in these early years we can teach them to be social, independent, help them develop their language skills, cognitive skill, large and small motor skills, but most importantly allow them to be creative in all they do. My passion is Early Childhood I love to see the smiles when children accomplish something.