Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation


My response to those who believe that early childhood centers should avoid the inclusion of books depicting gay or lesbian individuals such as same-sex partnered families
I strongly believe early childhood centers should implement books of all diverse families, as educators we need to be supporting all children and their families in a fair, and equitable manner. Diversity is so important to teach children, if we don’t educate children to respect and value everyone, and their families how do expect for them to understand the world we live in. The diversity of families has changed so much in the past decades, and with change comes same sex couple households. Many children have same couple parents, and that is their family, so why shouldn’t they be able to see their families in books at the childhood centers they go to. All children need to feel welcome and be able to relate to the world they live in, and other children need to be educated on diversity of families.
How you would respond to a parent/family member who informed you they did not want anyone who is perceived (or self-reported) homosexual or transgender to be caring for, educating, and/or interacting with their child
I would respond by explaining how important it is to implement and welcome diversity. I would let them know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but also explain to them that in this situation all that should matter is that educator is educating their child. If the person is educating and following the proper curriculum and following the school’s rules. Basically, all I could do is explain the importance to welcome everyone, and accepting diversity in their life, but most importantly how important it is to teach their child about diversity, so they accept and treat everyone with respect. Overall a parent or family member will have total control on who interacts or educates their child but educating them on the importance on diversity would be my main conversation to them.

One thought on “Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

  1. Stacy, your post is right on par! Representation matters – in all forms and it’s even the small things that count. I can’t tell you how excited my little girl gets when she sees other little girls that look like her in the media and in a positive light. So just knowing that makes me believe that other children need to see like images of themselves in the larger media and in the most intimate settings.


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