Time Well Spent

It all started with a challenge from my son when speaking to him on the importance of education and accomplishing his educational goals, and when asked of my goal I answered “I would of loved to have completed my Master’s Degree” and his words to me were “If it’s important for me to accomplish mine why isn’t it important for you to accomplish yours?” and that was it I was challenged to be a positive role model for my children, and enrolled at Walden University. Although I said to myself how I am going to juggle being a mother, a supervisor, and a student the challenge was many bumps in the road along with many life changes in my life, but I continued past all the challenges that came my way. Walden University taught me so much more about Early Childhood. Walden University helped me by supporting me when I needed support with my classes, and the instructors are very supportive and understanding to their student’s needs. The online classes were very easy to understand and follow. All the colleagues were so supportive during discussions, and always willing to help each other out. The program was just a wonderful experience that I will share with others.

          After completing the programs I hope to one day accomplish my long-term goal to have my own non-profit organization that caters to teen parents and their children. This goal will better the future of teen parents and their children in their educational path.

I’m so grateful for everyone here at Walden University, and blessed to have shared this journey with all my fellow colleagues. It’s been a long journey with many challenges in my path, but with all the support I received from all my instructors I was able to accomplish my educational goal I set for myself. I wish everyone the best of luck in their future.

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