Week 4 Blog Assignment: Myself as A Communicator

I evaluated myself as a communicator and surprisingly I found myself to have good eye contact, tone of voice would change depending who I was talking to, and what the subject was about. I did notice I use my hands a whole lot when I’m talking and I have never really paid attention to how much I use my hands when I’m speaking. And when I asked my son to evaluate me he said I used my hands so much that after a while he caught himself just focusing on my hands rather than making eye contact with me. This surprised me a whole lot because there have been times I say to myself after I have spoken to someone “They never made eye contact with me” but now I’m starting to wonder if they were focused on my hands. I have learned so much about communication and this week I learned how people can look at someone and have so many different perceptions about the person. I am now aware how perceptions are important when it comes to communication.

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