Month: December 2015

” My Supports “

Support is such a powerful word to me. I see myself surrounded with support from loved ones, friends,  co-workers, school, and even a system. In my daily environment support surrounds me in every direction. Support from my husband is ongoing in my everyday life activities, starting from supporting my job, and all the long hours it sometimes takes away from my family. My husband is my biggest supporter when it comes to furthering my education. I have gotten all my degrees while I was already a mother, and wife , so my challenges to go back to school were not easy, but my husband has always, and still continues to support me through school. He takes over my mom duties, and allows me to concentrate on school work ,and whatever else is needed to accomplish my education goals. I’m now in my Master’s program, and the support is still being provided by my husband. So many benefits come out from my husbands support. Some of the benefits are confidence in myself , having someone cheer me on when I’m feeling doubt, stress free environment, and the endless love. Without him I could not have gotten as far as I have in School. I would not have been able to juggle school, mommy duties, work duties, and school. I would be so lost without my husband, he is my biggest supporter in anything I do. Another huge supporter in my life is my mother , she helps me with my children everyday . She is the one who picks up my children every morning for school, she picks them up from school, and attends school activities with them. Without her support I would not be able to take on my supervisor position at work, due to having to open at 7:00 am , and not able to take off for all my children’s events at school, but most importantly I wouldn’t have someone by myside, and children’s side when it comes to involvement in my child’s school activities. Without her I have no idea how I would manage work , and mommy duties. And my forever supporters who show me they love me unconditionally , though good times, and bad times my children. My children always support me with their love, and who could ask for more. My life would be over if I didn’t have them, I could not go on in life without my babies, because they are my life.

A challenge I chose to imagine is opening my own non-profit  organization that supports, and educates teen parents on parenting skills. I would need a whole team of supporters such as financial grant support, resource support, parent teens support, family support, employee support, and support from the community. The financial grant support would help me the money I would need to open the non-profit  organization, the resource support would help me with guidance on opening a non-profit organization, my family would support me during , and after my organization opens, employees would support me in taking on the duties to educate the teen parents, and provide the services needed, the teen parents would support my organization by attending classes on teen parenting, and lastly I would need the community to support me by being involved with my program by telling others about my program, or being guest speakers at my classes, and the list goes on. Without any of these support groups I would not be able to open up my own non-profit organization.