Month: September 2015

” The Passion of Early Childhood “

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Early childhood is just a beautiful thing. It allows you to be part of a child from the beginning of their education path. You become lost in an environment that is surrounded by so much curiosity. Working in the classrooms makes you forget about being an adult, and just learning through play with the children. You become a child’s hero, role model, friend, mother, father, comforter, and the list continues. But that’s what makes Early Childhood for myself so interesting, that we can implement life’s most important to these children, and that is education. We can teach them how to be independent, and explore with play. Their minds are like sponges , and it’s in these early years we can teach them to be social, independent, help them develop their language skills, cognitive skill, large and small motor skills, but most importantly allow them to be creative in all they do. My passion is Early Childhood I love to see the smiles when children accomplish something.